As we close to the primary anniversary of the beloved movie, Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani, it is time to rejoice Ranveer Singh’s unforgettable character, Rocky Randhawa. Director Karan Johar, through the movie’s promotions, had shared intriguing particulars about Ranveer’s distinctive persona. He revealed, “Ranveer Singh simply vanishes. He’s not like that 24X7. He spends 10-12 hours being his energetic self, then turns into a quiet one that listens to music and spends time with shut family and friends.”
Karan added, “Ranveer is just not wired like that. He’s conserving to blow up.” This twin nature showcases Ranveer’s potential to dive deep into his roles whereas sustaining a balanced private life. Johar additionally famous that Ranveer’s intense power is real and a part of his work ethic, stating, “It’s not an act, it’s him working.”
Ranveer’s portrayal of Rocky resonated deeply with followers, making the character certainly one of his most cherished roles.