Veteran actor Anil Kapoor is celebrating his 68th birthday immediately and on this event, his actress-daughter Sonam Kapoor shared heat needs for him on social media. In one of many photographs shared by her, the actor will be seen enjoying with a baby and within the second photograph, he will be seen carrying a younger Sonam in his arms. The actress captioned the submit, “The very best dad on the earth.”

Anil Kapoor

She additionally shared a father-daughter photograph from the current time. Earlier within the day, the makers of Subedaar launched the teaser of the movie that includes Anil Kapoor on his birthday. He performs the function of a former soldier who’s discovering it troublesome to adapt to civilian life. Subedaar will reportedly be launched subsequent 12 months.

Anil Kapoor Sonam Kapoor

Sonam, then again, was final seen within the movie Blind.