Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Torticollis, often known as wryneck is a painful situation of the neck marked by painfully twisted neck. On this situation the neck is twisted. This additional causes the pinnacle to rotate and tilt at an odd angle. The highest of the pinnacle is mostly tilted to 1 aspect whereas the chin is tilted in direction of the opposite aspect.

Generalized Signs of Torticollis

Signs usually start slowly however would worsen over time, because the illness progresses. Completely different signs could also be skilled by totally different individuals. The commonest signs of torticollis embody –

–         incapacity to maneuver the pinnacle usually
–         incapacity to show the pinnacle, often holding it twisted to 1 aspect
–         ache in neck and muscle tissue therein
–         neck stiffness
–         spasm of neck muscle tissue
–         ache alongside the backbone
–         swelling of neck muscle tissue
–         headache
–         chin tilted to 1 aspect / awkward place of the chin
–         one shoulder is greater than the opposite

Associated Studying – Torticollis

Ayurveda understanding of Torticollis

Vata dysfunction

Ache, stiffness, incapacity to maneuver or flip the pinnacle, spasm, mal-positioning of shoulder and chin and related headache – all these signs in torticollis level out in direction of involvement of aggravated vata in causation and worsening of torticollis over a time frame. Torticollis is clearly a vata dysfunction. Manyastambha and Grivastambha defined within the context of vata nanatmaja rogas embody the reason of torticollis.


Manya, in Sanskrit means ‘again of the neck’ Stambha means stiffness. The which means of the phrase stambha shall not be restricted to ‘solely stiffness’. It additionally contains the opposite signs coexisting with stiffness or brought on by it, like ache and limitation of actions. We don’t discover a detailed description of Manyastambha.

Manyastambha has been defined within the context of ‘vata nanatmaja vyadhi’ i.e. eighty particular situations brought on by ‘aggravation of solely vata’. However we are able to additionally see a kapha element in Manyastambha. So, it’s predominantly a vata dysfunction, with kapha affiliation in some situations.

Torticollis might be carefully correlated to manyastambha.

Kapha involvement in Torticollis, Kaphavruta Vata

Stambha, which interprets to stiffness or catch or rigidity (limiting the actions) is a symptom attributed to kapha, although vata can also trigger stambha. Grasp Sushruta has particularly talked about kapha together with vata within the pathogenesis of manyastambha.

Because the aggravated kapha blocks the vata and interferes in its regular functioning, torticollis will also be thought of as kaphavruta vata situation.

Understanding Torticollis from the attitude of causative components, Greeva Hundanam

Among the many causes of acquired torticollis sleeping in awkward or bizarre place has been talked about.

The opposite causes of acquired torticollis like spasm or harm of neck muscle tissue, harm, vigorous motion and harm leading to muscle shrinkage will trigger aggravation of solely vata. On this case they might trigger greeva hundana which is alike torticollis. The causes of secondary torticollis like slipped sides or disc herniation will even trigger aggravation of vata resulting in greeva hundana.

Harm to muscle or nervous system will trigger torticollis. This too would possibly happen as a consequence of vata aggravation following harm and trigger greeva hundana.

Associated Studying – Hundanam

Understanding Torticollis from ‘kinds of torticollis’ perspective

Mounted and muscular torticollis might be thought of within the class of asthi and mamsagata vata.

Congenital torticollis as in Klippel Feil Syndrome could also be thought of because the affliction of muscle tissue and bones of the fetus by aggravated vata. Vata is accountable for differentiation of physique elements. The fusion of neck vertebrae might happen as a consequence of failure of this perform of vata.

Spasmodic contractions of neck muscle tissue are additionally brought on by vata aggravation. When vata will get aggravated spasmodic contractions can happen anyplace within the physique. Similar is the case with tilt of the pinnacle. Irregular twists, turns and tilts within the physique elements are brought on by aggravated vata.

Among the many kinds of torticollis on the premise of place of head and neck – laterocollis, rotational torticollis, anterocollis and retrocollis – all are brought on by aggravated vata.

Understanding Torticollis from ‘signs and issues of torticollis’ perspective

1. Signs and dosha relation in torticollis

Sl No Symptom of torticollis Dosha relation with the symptom
1 Incapability to maneuver the pinnacle usually or flip the pinnacle, often holding it twisted to 1 aspect Vata
2 Neck ache / ache in neck muscle tissue Vata
3 Neck stiffness / spasm of neck muscle tissue Kapha, vata, kaphavrita vata
4 Ache down the backbone Vata
5 Headache Vata
6 Swelling of neck muscle tissue Kapha, vata, kaphavrita vata
7 Chin tilted to 1 aspect / awkward place of the chin Vata, kaphavrita vata
8 One shoulder greater than the opposite Vata
9 Delayed motor abilities in kids Vata
10 Difficulties with imaginative and prescient and listening to in kids Vata

2. Dosha affiliation in different signs of torticollis

Sl No Symptom of torticollis Dosha affiliation
1 Neck ache Vata
2 Mass formation Kaphavrita Vata
3 Thickening or tightness of sternocleidomastoid muscle Kapha-Vata, Kaphavrita Vata
4 Cervical backbone tenderness Vata
5 Tremor within the head Vata
6 Decreased neck motion Kaphavrita Vata
7 Uncommon shoulder heights Vata

3. Dosha affiliation with issues of torticollis

Sl No Complication of torticollis Dosha Relation
1 Swelling of neck muscle tissue Vata, Vata-Kapha, Kaphavrita Vata
2 Persistent ache Vata
3 Compressed nerves Vata
4 Neurological signs Vata
5 Despair Vata
6 Problem in socializing Vata, Kapha
7 Isolation Kapha, Vata
8 Incapability to drive Kapha-Vata, Kaphavrita Vata

Stiff Neck, Greeva Hundanam

It’s a self-limiting type of torticollis which happens spontaneously and contains a number of painful neck muscle tissue. This situation will spontaneously go away in about 1-4 weeks’ time. The muscle tissue that are typically concerned on this situation are trapezius or sternocleidomastoid. In lots of circumstances no particular or clear causes are discovered however in some situations colds or uncommon postures are contributory. This situation will also be correlated with the reason of Greeva hundanam.

Spasmodic Torticollis, Greeva Hundanam

It’s a situation in which there’s recurrent and transient contraction of neck muscle tissue, primarily sternocleidomastoid muscle. It’s also known as by the under talked about names –

–         Intermittent torticollis
–         Cervical dystonia
–         Idiopathic cervical dystonia

This situation may correlate with the outline of greeva hundanam.

Ayurveda Therapy of Torticollis

Therapy rules

Nidana Parivarjana – One shall keep away from / hold away the causative components because the initially a part of intervention. Primarily extreme day sleep, sleeping on uneven floor (odd, untoward place) and extreme wanting in upward gaze shall be prevented as a lot as doable.

Vata Vyadhi Chikitsa – Since Manyastambha usually in contrast with torticollis is without doubt one of the vata vyadhis, a basic line of remedy of vata vyadhi must be adopted in treating torticollis.

–         When solely vata is concerned – interventions like abhyanga – oil therapeutic massage, lepa – anointment of medicinal pastes, pichu – retaining a gauze or swab dipped in vata assuaging oil over the posterior a part of the neck, swedana – sudation, primarily nadi sweda or pinda sweda, nasya – errhines and vasti – medicated enemas are extraordinarily useful.

–         When kapha is related – ruksha sweda – dry sudation / fomentation, mrudu vamana – gentle emesis, nasya – errhines and lepa shall be useful.

It is very important establish the dosha involvement and affiliation on this situation in order to offer good outcomes.

Greeva Basti – oil pooling therapies executed on the again of the neck is extraordinarily useful in relieving the signs of torticollis. It may be skillfully mixed with nasya and churna or patra pinda sweda for higher outcomes.

Useful formulations

For Abhyanga and Greeva Basti – Mahanarayana Taila, Ksheerabala Taila, Prasarinyadi Taila and Mahamasha Taila / Kottamchukkadi Tailam (kapha involvement)

For Nasya – Ksheerabala Taila 101 and Mahamasha Taila for vata predominant situations / Anu taila for kapha predominant situation

For Vasti – Ksheerabala Taila, Mahamasha Taila, Guggulutiktaka Ghrta

For oral use –

–         Prasarinyadi Kashayam
–         Maharasnadi Kashayam
–         Varanadi Kashayam
–         Rasonadi Kashayam
–         Dashamula Kashayam
–         Mahayogaraja Guggulu
–         Rasnadi Guggulu
–         Ashwagandharishta
–         Balarishta
–         Mahavata Vidhwamsini Ras

Useful Yoga Postures

–         Ushtrasana – Camel Pose
–         Shavasana – Corpse Pose
–         Navasana – Boat Pose
–         Uttana Shishosana – Prolonged Pet Pose
–         Balasana – Baby’s Pose
–         Vashishthasana – Facet Plank Pose
–         Setu Bandhasana / Setu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge Pose
–         Utthitha Trikonasana – Prolonged Triangle Pose
–         Adho Mukha Shvanasana – Downward Dealing with Canine Pose
–         Paschimottanasana – Seated Ahead Bend Pose
–         Uttanasana – Standing Ahead Bend Pose
–         Virabhadrasana II – Warrior II Pose
–         Urdhwa Mukha Pasasana – Thread the Needle Pose
–         Viparita Karani – Legs up the wall Pose
–         Gomukhasana – Cow Face Pose
–         Ardha Matsyendrasana – Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
–         Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana – Two Footed Pose
–         Chakravakasana / Marjaryasana / Bitalasana – Cat / Cow Stretch Pose
–         Anahataasana – Melting Coronary heart Pose
–         Salamba Bhujangasana – Sphinx Pose