Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani‘s elder son Akash Ambani tied the knot with Shloka Ambani in 2019. It was a grand affair with many well-known faces blessing the couple. From Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Rajinikanth to Sachin Tendulkar and extra – a whole lot of celebrities marked their attendance on the Ambani marriage ceremony. After all, the couple received showered with many costly items. However probably the most beautiful and cherished one got here from Nita Ambani. She gifted a beautiful necklace price Rs 451 crore to Shloka Ambani on marriage ceremony.
As per reviews, Nita Ambani gifted Shloka Ambani a novel Mouawad L’Incomparable necklace price Rs 451 crore. It got here with an enormous golden L’Incomparable diamond weighing 408.48 carats. It additionally featured round 91 diamonds that added to the look and attraction of the necklace. The diamonds structured in several sizes and shapes added the extra 200 carats to the neckpiece. With this particular present, Shloka Ambani turned the proprietor of the world’s most respected necklace.
Nevertheless, later in 2022, the Mouaward L’Incomparable necklace was displayed at Sotheby’s and since, it reportedly went off the market. Reportedly, the necklace was redesigned by recutting of the diamond to maximise its depth and brightness. The shaping was additionally improved. The reshaping lowered the burden of necklace to 104.38 carats. The huge yellow-hued diamond became 303.10 carat. Thus, the unique necklace has now turn into extinct, due to its revamping, say the reviews.
The Ambani ladies personal many costly and beautiful items of jewelry. Nita Ambani reportedly owns a beautiful emerald-adorned neckpiece that’s stated to value $7.5 million. She reportedly additionally has Emperor Shah Jahan’s bajuband reportedly costing $495,000. These are simply few of many!
Not too long ago, Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani’s youthful son Anant Ambani received married to Radhika Service provider. It was one of many greatest marriage ceremony occasion ever held. The Ambanis did bathe their choti bahu with many costly items.
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